Originally Posted by DenverDev
At least where I am (Colorado) if one party who is a participant in the conversation is recording it, then there is no problem....When the problems come is when a recording is made that neither party, involved in the conversation, knows that it is being monitored or recorded by an unknown third party....I record ALOT of conversations that I have with a number of various people/businesses/ etc
Yeah this varies from state to state. Most states are 1 party consenting states, but most the others need both participating parties to consent. It also gets fuzzy when calls are crossing state lines. Spent many years in a national call center... ooooh the jooooy!
This may be a bit premature, but I'm looking for an app that will allow me to change my Today Screen on WM6.5. Basically it will allow me to add new menus or get rid of menus I don't want. Anyone?