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Old 03-26-2009, 08:57 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Originally Posted by cmajewsk View Post
...But for some reason it removed my Calendar tab and it's not listed in the Diamond Config app (no biggie I can reinstall that) and when I go to the Programs tab it takes a good 2 minutes to display the program shortcuts on the TF3D tab. Also, for some reason TF3D freezes at versions times, and when I am in the Inbox of my mail account it will suddenly quit and return me to the home screen. I now want to remove this and only keep the tweakslonly installed...
It sounds to me like some of the other Manila/TouchFLO hacks you've done have produced version conflicts with this. Keep in mind, my packages are designed for the stock configuration, so any customizations you make MUST be done/redone AFTER installing the cleanup package. Hope that helps.

Originally Posted by ltam20 View Post
Thanks you very much for this cab. I put it on my Touch Pro and it helped clean things up quite a bit. I had one other question. I was wondering if your clean up was compatible with the Diamond (the phone and not Diamond Tweaks)? I searched this thread as well as looked in the Diamond forums but didn't see anything about it. (I apologize in advance if I overlooked it and was answered previously)
The full packages are not, however, the Tweaks Only package *should* be compatible, although I have not tested it personally.
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