Re: [3-26-09] ** grooveROM 4 ** wm6.1 & wm6.5 versions -- (21038.1.6.0) & (21198.5.0.
I haven't had a chance to install build 7 yet, but I installed build 6 last night and I have a question. After the initial setup I got a quick look at the default blue theme. The wallpaper was different from the previous version of the default theme. Then, within a couple seconds the customization started up. After the customization was complete, I changed back to the default theme only to find that it was the old one. If you have a chance, can you take a look at this? Thx.
P.S. Build 6 was HUGE improvement over build 5.... I'm sure 7 is even better (I'll install it tonight). To anyone that has been relunctant to install WM 6.5 because of the latency... you can go ahead and install now. It is very fast!