Originally Posted by Merdinh
I think i might have a fix for the time issue, but if not then i cant do nothing about it until xboxmod releases one, and im looking in tonight for the internet glich, and also i use s2us and not haveing any of the lock problems, try removing the s2us completly and reset your settings, then restart the phone, and install s2us again.
from a fresh flash, before i put programs on, i went to setting/system, and went to key lock and selected "do not lock buttons". from that point, if i turned my phone off, i could wake it by pressing a button. If i had to reset my phone however, that is when it would automatically lock again. It is something that i just noticed and if you didn't change anything, don't worry about it, i just wanted to know if you knew of a fix.
Imma still use this kick a$$ rom!!!