Re: (March 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.0 with *Manila 2* (Build 21040 MerdinH)UC
Hey Merdin....I downloaded all three roms and played with them all for several hours each. I have decided to use the red lite rom for now, but kept going back to the red tp2 rom because i was captivated by its beauty, and smothness. I guess i will go back to it once the bugs that are not your fault, gets ironed out (internet, time and a few others)
The one thing that irks me is on all of these roms, since i use s2u2, i unlock the keylock/gaurd in the settings/system tab, but whenever i reset my phone, it is automatically locked again.....any idea why?
These roms are kicking a$$ and are clearly better than anything else on the forum!!