I am a HTC Vouge user with NFSFAN rom with the agps fix and no vallhala thing. I am able to get a gps lock in around 60 sec outside only, so i am assuming that it is using the standard gps and not the agps. Now I tried the telus server adress using QPST and relayed those changes to the registry via the telus fix and get inside quick inside gps locks (im guessing agps) around 10 seconds, however they stop locking a few hours later. Again i used QPST and switched the server back to the verizon ip address (decimal by the way) and again i get quick inside locks for a few hours before they stop and i am back to the 60 second outside wait time. Has anyone else had this happen? Is there a server address that i can use that will be stable or am I screwing something up along the way?
I can live with standard old 60 sec gps locks if i have to, but i would love to get the agps working again!