Originally Posted by Monster
I tried searching but can anyone tell me how to make the default pictures for Titanium today screen to the internal storage pictures
OK, I figured this out. Basically, it does show pictures from BOTH the My Pictures folder on the device, AND also Internal Storage -- but here's the trick..
Titanium picture preview only reads pics that are in the DCIM folder in Internal Storage. So you just need to move your internal storage pictures to any subfolder within Internal Storage\DCIM\ -- the default folder is 100Media, but any subfolder within DCIM will work. Then all you need to do is swipe to the right in the titanium preview, and BAM internal photos in preview. Whatever folder you were viewing from last will hold after hard reset.
I know, I know.. You're going to say "But my camera doesn't save to that folder by default, how can I make that happen?" It's a simple reg edit (which can also be done with advanced configuration) as follows:
"EnableDCIM" >> change from "0" to "1"
I will make this reg edit standard in future builds.