Originally Posted by MikeyNick
I applied some of the fixes from xda, which solved a few issues. It fixed the time issue, but now it's broken again, and I can't even click the clock now without tf3d crashing, meaning i can't even set alarms. the weather still crashes every time even after the xda fix. also, the fixes from the xda totally kill your ROM! they take away all the personal effects. unfortunately I don't have time to trouble shoot this and get all my classwork done and have a life :-p I'll have to go to something more stable till this is out of beta. But I really like this so I'm looking forward to that day!
Please do not apply any of the xda fixes to the custimized manila, because i configured it differently, and installing those fixes will crash it unless i confirm the fix works, ill update my manila everytime xbox has a new fix with my configurations.
For now i suggest hardware reset your phone, and dont make any changes to the manila other then the time on the clock, weather has not crashed once on me yet.