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Old 03-25-2009, 04:43 PM
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Re: [ Mar 10 \ OS 5.2.21028 v4.5 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.5, ROMs & Cabs

Using the tp2 RC rom for the entire day i have noticed my data connection drop and stay off, I have to either soft reset the phone or to turn airport mode on and off. to solve this can we incorporate always roaming? I haven't had this happen to be since the stock sprint rom.

Active sync is still an issue as i cant sync my phone to my computer.

It feels like my battery is discharging at a higher rate.

Going into all setting from the setting tabs causes a slight lag for the window to open and when it does it jumps around all the settings tabs then stops on system.

contact list (all people) crashes occasionally. Also even tho all my numbers are backed up and reloaded into the phone when people call me it shows their number but not their name.

I Know this is wishful thinking but is there to incorporate the sprint clock into the tp2 theme? when i tried all it did was turn the flip clocks white and unresponsive.
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