Re: ## intxROM v1 Rhodium [SC] 3/24/09 ## (Download now!)
Alright, alright. Found **THE** solution to the time being off an error problem.
1) Add your city to the weather tab. If your city isn't in weather or if you haven't added it, add one close to you that you know has the same time zone and DST settings.
2) Go to Start>Settings>Phone>Time Sync. and uncheck the box that syncs time with a web server.
3) Tap the main clock in the home screen to go to World Clock. You should see one city there with your time settings. Click "Menu" on the right, then "Local Time Settings". Tap the bar that says City, and add the exact same city you added in the weather tab..
Your time settings will now be correct, and last through soft resets and going back into the world clock.
Thanks, intx.
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Last edited by intx; 03-25-2009 at 07:18 PM.