Originally Posted by mattgiroux
Ok, so I was totally in love with 4.7 until today...
I just got home, and decided to fire off a few texts, but now the Messaging tab doesnt even work..it shows up but none of the buttons on it work, I cant click a message...I cant reply...zip. So i figured maybe a soft reset will do the trick...now there's even MORE problems, wtf? Now the entire TF3D is f'd up. I can't view any other tab then the home tab, if i scroll to another tab, TF3D just relaunches, and sets me back to the Home tab. Also after I soft reset, an error concerning the Voice command.exe doesnt work... I bet I know what's coming ... : Hard reset, well personally I find that's a huge pain in the @$$ to have to hard reset everytime something goes wrong cause I gotta reinstall everyyytthiiinggg, at least thank god for PIM backup. Don't mean to rant, but is there a possible fix OTHER then hard-reseting?
You could always flash back to the stock rom.