Originally Posted by mattgiroux
Ok, so I was totally in love with 4.7 until today...
I just got home, and decided to fire off a few texts, but now the Messaging tab doesnt even work..it shows up but none of the buttons on it work, I cant click a message...I cant reply...zip. So i figured maybe a soft reset will do the trick...now there's even MORE problems, wtf? Now the entire TF3D is f'd up. I can't view any other tab then the home tab, if i scroll to another tab, TF3D just relaunches, and sets me back to the Home tab. Also after I soft reset, an error concerning the Voice command.exe doesnt work... I bet I know what's coming ... : Hard reset, well personally I find that's a huge pain in the @$$ to have to hard reset everytime something goes wrong cause I gotta reinstall everyyytthiiinggg, at least thank god for PIM backup. Don't mean to rant, but is there a possible fix OTHER then hard-reseting?
This started happening to me also today, touchflo 3d tries to launch but gets caught in a loop, then when soft resetting the screen freezes where it says sprint diamond with the radio version etc at the bottom.
Had to hard reset and reload and now its happening again.
I also re flashed and hard reset again and same problems happening
Gonna try and troubleshoot and figure out if something I loaded is causing this issue....will report back