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Old 03-25-2009, 12:15 PM
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v2.7.35 Updated 3/21/09

Originally Posted by xclusivx View Post
hey guys,

Long time lurker here..

Just wanted to say that this is one of the nicest ROMs out there. I'm moving up from a Sprint Touch to the Sprint Touch Diamond and this phone rocks!!

However, I've run into a few probems. I swear I've used the "search" function to search this thread for potential fixes, but I wasn't able to find a resolution.

After unlocking, upgrading the radio, and flashing this ROM, my internet access and touchpal no longer works. I've tried soft resetting, but that doesn't fix it. Both touchpal and my internet worked on the stock sprint rom though. I even tried flashing back to the stock ROM after flashing this ROM, and confirmed that it works with the stock ROM.

Any other ideas you guys think I should try? Or can you suggest other search strings that may lead me in the right direction?


yes, this will fix it. Go into Total commander in the the Start menu. go to Windows folder and find the OMC_ something (sorry but I dont have ability to give you the exact name but it starts with OMC) double click on this. It will install sprint update profile and prl to your phone. then find it under programs or Settings, update your profile. You will have data again. Good luck.

edit here is the file you need to find:

Install the .cab located in \windows\

Then run StartMenu-Settings-System-Update Profile.

Last edited by Riley; 03-25-2009 at 12:18 PM.
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