Originally Posted by gobmonster
I guess i have progress on spotting the issue.
Im using JDs 6.5 rom and the lag is present but only depending on what app i use. I have the most lag in the txting app, i have a little in word mobile, and none in opera mini.... I HAVE NO LAG WHATSOEVER IN OPERA MINI!
When i hit an input txt box in opera mini, its a really simple box that doesnt even allow auto capitalization of first letters per line. I think theres other processes checking the input as we type and thats where the lag is coming from. Also, i have t9 disabled.
i have t9 disabled as well, but the weird thing is, i only notice it while in an SMS, i dont notice it with anything else!? it's so weird! i can hard reset my device and go directly into a new SMS and its still laggy. why would it only be in SMS?