Originally Posted by ibmxx187
damn it wont boot! hangs on the apple icon haha how ironic
this may fix it i learned from lllboredlll
I will see what happens when I add that dll. Will do more research on that and get back to you.
Originally Posted by chino331
Great ROM JMZ! Quick question - how did you change the color of the HTC menu? Is there a way for us to change it to another color if we want to customize our phones a little?
There is a file, HTCMenus.bmp in the windows directory. Just pull that and change to your liking.
Originally Posted by jkfoxworth
JMZ - Really awesome ROM - on the Rhodium it looks like the programs tab is missing, is this by design? I saw where we can drag the tabs and put them in different order but is there a way to add a tab without installing a separate program - Once again thanks and it's a shame that more people aren't looking at this because this is the best ROM bar none that I have tried so far - Thanks
It was suppose to have the new start menu but it didn't install for some reason.
hidden: programs tab = 0
I am pretty sure that is the reg setting to reenable it.