Originally Posted by daryelv
I've heard that it's actually a WorldClock issue. HTC has a problem with setting DST (Daylight Savings Time). If you go to Start -> Settings -> System -> Clock & Alarms and set your Timezone there, soft reset, it should stay just fine until you go into World Clock again. Mine sets my phone to Saskatchewan Time Zone if I go into World Clock... but stays fine when I change it back in Clock and Alarms.
The other option is to roll back the 1c684cd8_manila file to the HD which removes access to the WorldClock app.
If the file I posted doesn't fix it, then I guess for now I'll see if changing that file fixes it until xbmod and his team find a proper fix. And thanks for the background4allpages, energy had sent it but at least you save me the trouble of making the OEM