Originally Posted by jerrygon
Hi lllboredlll... I am new to your rom. Just downloaded the latest sprint version. When I double click on the .exe it runs and extracts some files but towards the end it give me a error: cannot find customeRUU.exe. Any ideas???
I will take care of it tonight during the update. I did leave comments on it on post 1 last night but it must of been overlooked.
Originally Posted by Zenoran
hey bored thanks for putting a new rom out for tp2 and new build... I had been using juicy's roms on my alltel tp but now that I'm back on verizon it doesn't seem to like his ROMs... only like 10mb free even with pp set to 0...
anyways... might be using yours from now on! still new to the new manila but I noticed programs are missing? on juicy's when you click the start menu it popped up the programs but I don't see even a tab for them in manila... where are they at?
I am new to TP2. There will be more features added as I learn of more or more are developed.
Originally Posted by MWSlim
Does anyone have a working background for all tabs cab that works with this rom?
That is a NO-GO at this point. If and when it comes available it will get added.
Originally Posted by symyn
I will wait till you get your new version out for the TP2. I just flashed your stable 21019 yesterday. Love your ROMs bored.
Thanks again.
Thank you much
Originally Posted by GrandMasterB
Overall I would have to say lllboredlll's TP2 is pretty slick, really growing on me, and not nearly as buggie as I was expecting it to be for what it is.
Everybody make sure to give THANKs to lllboredlll for his hard work and countless hours making these kick@$$ ROMs and kitchens , fo' sure!!
Much appreciated
Originally Posted by Sporkman
i just flashed this rom ! Well done im liking it its seems more stable than the other TP2 roms ive tried have nto had to install any other .cabs so far tyvm for the work ps do i or should i install the .cab package like HTC Rhodium Notification Enhancement and the others ?
Notifications were included in the build. If they are not working properly let me know please. I'm already flashed to the update so I might of not run that one enough to realise it was bogus. I did however test it with my ram purge program I run and it showed up right in the middle of my screen like a sore thumb so I know it was working. Will need adjusting though.
Originally Posted by astemp
does anyone else have the problem of not being able to add an email account?
I will have to test that out to make sure the updated version works properly. Sorry about that guys.
Originally Posted by symyn
Are you going to put that funky TP2 start menu into play or are you going to stay with the traditional one?
Yes I will soon as I figure out all my options on TP2 Manila. There are some cabs I have for those options that I have yet to mess with. Last night was focused on getting it OEM'd properly and have it up and running.