Yeah, of course I am.
It's stuck in the bootloader. It doesn't connect via ActiveSync and it's unresponsive otherwise. I can't get it out of the bootloader using titan_exitbl.exe because it throws an error about it not being able to connect through ActiveSync.
I was following GaMedic's tutorial and this happened. I have no idea what to do; I heard that I have to flash a new ROM to it, but how am I supposed to do that if I need to flash a radio first? Or am I?
If anyone will be so kind, can I get a link to the stock ROM for the Sprint Mogul?
EDIT: I just flashed the latest radio (according to that thread) anyway. Update was a success, and I'm getting ready to cook up my own ROM. I guess that's the way it was supposed to be done.
EDIT 2: I used Ryan Mogul's ROM instead, I thought it'd be easier and I probably don't need anything more or less. It's customizing right now, and I'm gonna go through the PST settings tutorial. I just hope this ends up disabling my old phone and transferring the number and all that to this one. I guess I'm more in the know now, or at least I will be after this is over.
EDIT 3: Okay, apparently my phone isn't unlocked, even though I went through that whole process. I tried entering six zeros like that thread said, and it doesn't go through. FML.
EDIT 4: Now I'm really stuck. I was trying to follow the instructions in the ZIP from this thread:
In the text file, it says to dial ##3424#. When I do that, it's supposed to pop something up, but it's not doing that. A voice says my device hasn't been activated, and then it ends the call. So I tried running DMRouter.exe like it said to, and absolutely nothing happens. I can't even open it. I really need help now.
EDIT 5: I was able to load the Cricket PRL file included in Ryan Mogul's ROM using the SPC code I got from some program, but that's it. Now when I dial ##3424#, I get some voice talking about a roaming network or something.
Please help me, I've been waiting all this time, but please help me. Please.