Originally Posted by zachman1234
Well i stay in between Ocala and Melbourne Fl so most likely going to Try TELUS 1.04.05v
so this Means i can Flash ANY radio to my Sprint Phone ???
yes so long as you have cdma diamond which you have. and you use the ones on this site specifically designed for your phone. If you dont like one, just flash another. Its really preference. Also, when you flash a radio, it's pretty fast to load up but at 99% but it stays put for while. dont be alarmed, it eventually goes to 100%. I only say this because I had a heart attack when this happened to me. lol
Edit one more thing:
Some of the radios thanks to Juggalo are packaged in a way so it will not hard reset your phone. The Telus radio 1.04.05v, Sprint 1.11.00f and the Sprint radio 1.03.15f. So post flash your will be up and running and not lose anything which is great!
the others will hard reset your phone after flashing. Just wanted you to know since you will lose your customizations.