03-24-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: ~{3/24/09}~ lllboredlll's TP2 Edition ROM
Originally Posted by GrandMasterB
Thanks , I couldnt figure out how to unlock to get in to change the SensorLock settings , it was kickin my @$$ , lol.
Did you get it to run by extracting to a folder and then running like Slim suggested. Thats how I had to do it. lllboredlll is aware of this and sait he'll fix it soon enough, so just extract for now.
I havent been able to get backgrounds 4 all to work at all, no biggie though. Also if you install the custom weatherbase it crashes TF when going to the weather tab, that one bothers me more. How am I supposed to know what to wear today??? What am I supposed to just "look" outside like the cavemen used to??? (lol)
Overall I would have to say lllboredlll's TP2 is pretty slick, really growing on me, and not nearly as buggie as I was expecting it to be for what it is.
Everybody make sure to give THANKs to lllboredlll for his hard work and countless hours making these kick@$$ ROMs and kitchens , fo' sure!!
I agree I'm liking this rom a lot!! Thought I'd give it a try while I'm waiting for Silence's new one and I'm really glad I did