Originally Posted by brc64
I've been skimming the thread and it looks like the two biggest issues are with installing Java apps (which can be fixed by installing a newer jbed or by installing via Opera Mobile?) and a version of the YouTube player that doesn't full screen?
How is battery life? I'm considering flashing back to Mighty for that alone. I've been really happy with the look and feel of Mystery 1.4, but I'm regularly at 50% battery by the end of work, which kind of sucks. I was closer to 70% with Mighty before.
It's a tough call since there are things I really like in all of the ROMs. One of these days I may just break down and cook my own.
I was on Mystery 1.5 before this and they approach ROMS in a different way. This ROM is just STABLE and FAST with great battery life. It is much closer to stock than Mystery but all the tools are there to customize it how you wish. The Manila and speed is the biggest difference. To each his own but if you decide to come back to Mighty you won't be disappointed unless you REALLY love the HD TF3d.