Originally Posted by ekz13
boy did I over think this one, I went device -> windows -> rings and dumped em there, didn't even think to create the folder..
Originally Posted by scrambler7
haha, yeah, it's a lot easier. what i do is keep a separate folder in internal storage with all of my custom ringtones. you can then select and hold the rintone you want and a pop up screen will show up where the bottom option is 'Set As Ringtone.' after you press that, it will copy the ringtone to the "My Ringtones' folder and automatically be your new ringtone.
I do a combination of these things. But it brings up a good question. I just keep all sounds and ringtones in a few folders in IS. After reset, I copy/paste them to \Windows & \Windows\Rings. But, if I were to start putting them in My Ringtones... do they get synced? That way the process is automatic when I sync the device after a hard reset?
Originally Posted by lnchbx13
Its kind of scary seeing you typing that above when your location says Disney World...
Yeah, well, I don't really live at WDW. But I think that a hidden PORN tab would be a hot seller.
I do think that implication that a Disney-related person is using porn is pretty funny.