Originally Posted by Hex
fyi... it seems that the fix for the weather tab also fixes the clock issues as well
at least it did for me... anyone feel like cabbing this for noobs?
side note... i know its beta but just putting it out there for people on the fence about flashing to tf3d2... the stocks and mail tabs still have alignment issues in landscape... the new start menu interface albeit nice is a little un-finger friendly to access (esp. if you have a hard case and big thumbs)... the regular 4.15 and the beta tf2 both render the rhodium menus slowly in landscape mode... the soft keys in some tabs are glitchy... but it is very well refined for a beta product... as is it is very usable but a bit frustrating if you are expecting the snappy new typical mighty experience
theres my 2 cents...
You can thank the fantastic folks at HTC for letting Qualcomm **** them once again for video drivers for the ****ty landscape performance when it comes to rendering the rhodium menus. I would rather have to old style menus, any way to do that without going back to 4.14?