Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition
So to create new page with chome config is easy enough. First create the panel. Then in your registry add the plugin to the defaultxml and extensibilityxml and plugins registry keys. Remember they are in two places. HKLM and Security (just search for clinks or something like that to make it easy)
** And just to clarify, the 'titanium' today plugin and 'windows default' are the same thing. It reads configuration from both the cpr file and the registry. Any 'template' made panels using the above method use the 'default' layer ID info from the cpr file and fill in the blanks using the registry. Any 'custom' made panels ie. the titanium weather or photo's or whatever have specific layer ID sections in the cpr file and reference the registry for additional data. If you remove the 'photo's' layer id info from the cpr it will not work again. If you want to disable a panel and cannot do it through chomeconfig make sure there is a 'disabled' dword value in it's registry sub key.**
Last edited by mssmison; 03-24-2009 at 11:40 AM.