Originally Posted by dan-htc-touch
figure out what the it configures, and rename the cpr you want to change to it, make your mods, then rename back
Good idea, but if I knew what it was changing, I wouldn't need to do that (though it might help me along). The problem is that I have no idea what CHomeConfig IS changing right now. That is, I don't know what file(s) are being modified. Sorting the contents \Windows\ doesn't show any recently edited files after I make changes in CHomeConfig. I've also searched \Windows (and sub folders) using TotalCommander for *.cpr and none of the files found have recent edit dates, nor do they appear to be the sought after file(s).
I'm still confirming, but it looks as if CHomeConfig is using the registry as storage, but the plugin itself is using the .CPR files. I'm going to export some reg keys (just created from CHomeConfig) and see if I can work them into my .CPR successfully. I'll post further update here until I say otherwise to keep threads to a minimum while still being able to keep detailed updates.