Re: [March 23rd, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.7 [20771]
mighty - great rom as always. i was just wondering why i can't disconnect data by pressing the ev icon? i used to be able to do that but with 4.7 it just shows me if i'm connected or not. does anyone else have this issue or was it just me? just in case you guys have that problem as well, you can fix it with a reg edit:
1. press: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > ControlPanel > Phone
2. click on icon in lower left corner (above the word minimize) > Create... > New Value
3. Under 'Value Name' type in "Flags2" without quotes
4. Under 'Value Type' select "REG_DWORD"
5. Press 'Done' in lower left corner
6. This will create an entry called 'Flags2' (duh, sorry - just trying to be as thorough as possible) > press and hold 'Flags2' until pop-up menu appears > select 'Edit'
7. Value should read 'Flags2' > under 'Value Data' put 10 > select 'Hexadecimal' for 'Base' > press done
8. Soft reset
hope that helps someone
Change the value name to "Flags2" (no quotes).
Select the 'hexidecimal' button.
Type 10
Click ok.
You should now see in the 'name/data' section:
Flags2 16 (0x00010)
When done, reset the device.