Originally Posted by Table83
To trade in your phone just so that you can upgrade to a TP is unethical. Or as many people do, they will break their phone or make false claims about how it's working. That is by definition insurance fraud. This hurts the cell phone company and is illegal. It really bothers me how mad we get when people look at AIG and get all mad about that when they rip off companies like Sprint. Just as AIG is ripping the taxpayers off.
I think the key to the OP is that he has had 3 replacement moguls in 12 months. He has tried the system. And when other providers automatically swap out phone models after 3 faulty replacements (verizon i think), is it too much to have sprint do it as well? For example - I had a 6700. It had issues. After 5(!) replacements in 6 months after a year of use, I asked to be bumped to a Mogul since I was having so much trouble with the refurb 6700's. I was told no and took another 6700. When I got it and put the battery in it literally caught fire... Sprint then replaced my phone with a touch Pro. Was I ripping off the system?