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Old 03-23-2009, 09:44 PM
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Why did my stylus scratch my Brand New Diamond...ugggg

So I've had many touch screens 670068006900's and a few of each of them, used all without protectors vigorously and I've never had this happen to any of them.

Nice clean screen too, but both stylus's feel kinda sharp but still, it shouldn't scratch, it's not like I was cranking on it. There are at least 10 from barely there to being very visible on like white screens. Happened the first couple of days I had it, since then I've been using a left over stylus from my 6900.

So here I have a 1 week old Diamond with a messed up screen, got this brand new from asurion, what am I going to do I've did replacements and returns a bunch of times but with sprint and sprint phones, this is my first asurion phone.

So since it is a brand new full kit will sprint treat it as theirs and give me the 30 days exchange from them and what would I even say? The screen also has a very faint dark spot from day one right at the very bottom middle, not even a place that ever gets touched......I know some's going to say I'm pressing everything too hard, but that's not the case at all, like I've said never had trouble like this ever.

I mean is this a legit reason for exchange, I really don't want to trade for a refurb through sprint with potential problems. So anyone return or exchange a phone from asurion??

Ahhhh my poor little phone

Last edited by Primenall; 03-23-2009 at 09:48 PM.
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