This is a two-part hack. First, you have to setup the Sprint proxy. Second, you have to make the website think you're running on a supported phone.
1) Setup the proxy. Goto Settings->Connections->Sprint->Proxy Settings. Set the proxy address to Click advanced. Make sure the port for HTTP is 80, and get rid of Socks.
2) Change the User-Agent. Get your favorite registry editor.
Goto: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/5.0/User Agent
Backup what's there currently. (don't skip this). If you're using PHM, you can export the whole key to a file.
Get rid of everything else, and add the following String Values:
Desc=Windows 98; PalmSource/hspr-H102; Blazer/4.0
Platform=Windows 98; PalmSource/hspr-H102; Blazer/4.0
UA-Language=Windows 98; PalmSource/hspr-H102; Blazer/4.0
Version=MSIE 6.0
Now Sprint thinks you're using a Treo 650!
3) Goto If it doesn't look right, check all the settings again. You should have 10 links numbered 1,2,...,9,0. The website is very picky, if you have any typos or mistakes in the user-agent it won't work.
worked on my 6700 and now it works on my 6800