Originally Posted by violent31601
I'm currently using 4.6, if I use SPB backup then flash the new 4.7 then run the backup, will it mess anything in 4.7 up?
I should just be able to use the "rom upgrade mode" and I should be good to go right?
Originally Posted by Tiger505
I flashed last night and SPB backup worked well. I have over 62 installed programs. Of note though Sprint TV did not install in the programs list and the black calculator did not install also. I was able to reinstall Sprint TV and all is well. I had Briggs Black Calculator cab and trying to install now it's giving me a VGA error. I'm quite liking the new menu interface on the programs...very cool. My wish list is for more Storage memory as I'm coming from 4.1 where I had 113MB versus 102 with 4.7 so with all my stuff loaded along with a 11MB PIM file I've have about 20% left of Storage. It's still enough but I'm adding contacts everyday and in a few years I could run out! What are the odds that I have this Diamond in a few year? Zero. I also really liked the icons in the programs folder before my restore with SPB but with the restore my old icons did not convert as I expected. If there was a fix to make them look like the new one designed that would be very cool. Also the new flash screen is terrific. I was a MOUSE fan for a long time but that is nice. Thanks Mike. So I'm happy. Now if I could just get that calculator to work!
EDIT - Battery life stayed at 100% after 8 hours of sleep and not using the device. I think this is a very good thing!
Am i reading this correctly? ROFL. I can actually do a full backup from mikes 4.6 and flash the new hotness 4.7 and do a full restore? this wont mess with the registy or anything else or can i only restore the programs ive installed(selective backup)?