Originally Posted by faceoff101
i tried that cab on his 4.14 and it still did not give me a option it only had the two options pam and data anyone else with any ideas i hope mighty reads this would like to get his input or someone that already knows how to work around it using his rom. and also i like to note i did read up on how to hack WMWifiRouter by changing the registry keys or deleting the ones that needed to be deleted but in his rom it seems like they are already deleted or changed but i still do not get the option on isc with sprint only the other two option which is pam and data.
I've been thinking about this a little while I work and do we know what our ROM's were based on? I mean, if they weren't based on a Sprint ship ROM, would Sprint be an option? I know one of the hacks changes a registry key to Sprint but maybe it doesn't take or something. I'm lost when it comes to the internal workings of ICS so I'm just throwing stuff out there.