Originally Posted by foxnews
having different screen size from the original Pro2 makes no sense in term of cost. it would cost more for HTC to customize diferent screen size for different carriers. it is not just screen size. they have to chage the body, board, etc.
it is not much work to change cpu/memory but frame size is a whole different change. unless sprint is not getting Pro2 but something else?
it makes more sense in terms of usability. If you have used any of the enhancements that have been leaked, then you know that the phone is way more finger friendly, so no need for a stylus. Now that there will not be much need for a stylus then a bigger screen is definitely needed. That is one of the things thats helping the iphone is because its screen is so much bigger and nicer. windows has been unable to make a screen that big because they still needed a directional pad for navigating. since its finger friendly now no need for a directional pad, the bigger screen is definitely a necessity to compete with the iphone.