Re: [March 23rd, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.15 [20771]
Everything is running good with my load but I do have 1 complaint (small complaint but I feel like a j/a for complaining about something that is O SO GOOD), I used my phone for work, ALOT, so I use the spell checking with damn near every email I send. So now with the new popup style, you have a split second to see the word that is being picked up by the spell checker. It's CRAZY hard to see what it is grabbing and you can't just assume every word needs to be corrected.
I think someone alluded to the size of the popup menu earlier, but I am wondering if we can get the "One click" of the letter option back on the menu and maybe make the menu smaller or transparent maybe so we can see the "misspelled" word.
If you don't use the spell checker or any other options in the popup menu, these things probably don't bother you but for someone that uses it every time they send an email, it's pretty big since I have to first scroll down (emails are usually sent with the keyboard slid out and not in portrait), instead of just hitting the "S" key for Spell Check, and then can't see the misspelled word.
Functionally, the ROM is running like usual... Stable and FAST!