Update: 1.6 Final near..... one last beta test
Just need one last beta test for carrier compatibility. This is the Generic carrier ROM I told you about.
I rebuilt the entire kitchen again, used 90% GSM Manila OEM's from HTC. Used 20764 as CE OS and based it on a Sprint ROM that I cleaned myself. This kitchen is really built by me ;c)
Right now the test ROM is uploading. Pretty Plain Jane due to its final beta status. Uses standard HTC GSM black Manila. Nothing special on this beta. Want people to test out functionality and report back. Looking for data connectivity, GPS, gernal carrier stuff like ## and ** codes.
I will post a link as soon as the file finishes uploading. About 1 hour from now.
Thanks to all who test this AND report back. Once it is deemed stable and the bug have been verified fixed I will relase the kitchen and some CE OS's for it. I plan on redoing all the CE OS's to accomodate the core kitchen upgrae and structure change.

Donations always accepted but never expected!