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Old 08-28-2007, 08:03 PM
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my advice uninstall all the software that u might have and then do the following
First if you have any of these programs installed of diffrent versions un install them
then install HTC audio manager that is contained in the rar
then install htc home
then install HTC audio manager today plugin
then install the alpha cab
then del the bio*.lnk or what ever it is in windows/startup
make sure " htc home " not " HTCHomeplug " and " Music Plug-In " not " MusicPlugin " are check marked in the settings today screen
then reset
then goto settings/buttons set button 5 as touchflo
then copy the biotouch exe its like 40 somthin kb
while still in the windows dir paste it as a shortcut then copy it and put it in
the windows/startmenu it'll probly apear on the start menu as shortcut to biotouch then reset
after bootup goto programs and run Touch Flo(you'll see a windows progress symbol in the middle of the screen for a second) then hit start and run "shortcut to Biotouch" it should work however if it doesnt and it does give you a black screen hit the reset button while in the black screen
when it comes back into windows goto programs and run touchflo then hit start and run shortcut to biotouch and if it still doesnt work the disable you HTC home and the Music Plug-In and your theme try button 5 again to start it if it still doesnt work reenable the home and the music plugin and hit button 5 and if you still get a black screen reset from the black screen and restart and try it again and it will work im sure someone here today has made it work however once you get it to work it will work great unless u start running low on memory or reset then you'll have to reenable it i've done it to my mogul and my brothers today with a little knowledge and toying with it it will work good

then run JT
then install anything you want
i even installed a different version of the htc home plugin and it still works but that is after i got the cube to work .goodluck
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