Originally Posted by intx
Initial Impressions
-Phone is definitely slower, but I know for a fact it's due to not being cooked it, it destroyed my free memory from cab installing(went from 72ish to like 22..)
Fix: ROM cooker simply OEMs it in.
-GSensor auto rotate seems to be not functioning still, will install changescreen like I did on the 90% done.
Fix: Tried enabling "AutoRotation" in registry, nothing. Tried JMZ's cab for diamond2, nothing. No fix yet. Supposably though, the Diamond2 SDK will work.
-Contact tab now works, however clicking on a name results in Manila
reloading.After reading a bit: It seems if you have Beta Rhodium cooked in, then install Cabs over it, Contacts Tab will work. If you're installing over a regular or HD manila, contacts tab will crash.
Workaround: Either go to Phone tab and activate your contacts from there(will use default WM contacts tab), or use your current favorites(for some reason that loads into TF3D contact tab fine)
-Manila graphics are a bit bigger than you may be used to, especially from the HD Manila most of us are accustomed to.
Fix: It's not an issue, just something I noticed.
-World Clock is a tiny bit bigger than it should be in Landscape, but works perfectly in Portrait
Fix: Simply wait for XBmod to clean this up.
-Internet tab links in Landscape run off a bit on the right, but they're clickable and still work great, again perfect in Portrait
Fix: Simply wait for XBmod to clean this up.
-Music tab looks and works perfect in Landscape, was an issue before.
Fix: Not an issue.
-Customize tabs is not functioning correctly in landscape, checkboxes are cut off, but portrait again works fine.
Fix: Wait for XBmod to clean this up, or just use Portrait...
-New TF3D SMS looks beautiful and loads fine, however on any attempt to send a message it will give you an error "SIM isn't inserted into the phone."
Workaround: Because I can't exactly imagine a fix for no SIM card on CDMA, the work around is to just hit "All Messages" or "Inbox" on Messages/Email tab, this will load it into default WM messaging.
-TF3D Call History works great in Landscape/Portrait
Fix: No issues.
-Programs tab isn't working for me. I tried to install the Cab, didn't work, oddly.
Fix: Not really sure why this isn't working, I'd watch over at XDA. Workaround is to just use Start -> Programs
-Adding new favorites isn't functioning.
Fix: Alright, it's kind of working. It's not allowing me to add pictures, but it added the person
-Launching manila in Landscape mode seemed to cause it to freak out.
Workaround: Launch it in portrait.
Overall so far: Rhodium TF3D basically covers up all of the ugly WM interfaces and replaces them with beautiful finger friendly flowing interfaces, however it is buggy, but is a very solid first beta.
Should I use it yet? No, unless you like being on the cutting edge. There are a few bugs that make it still a bit unstable for daily use, namely the contact tab. It's a shame we can't get our TF3D messages working quite yet, I'm sure there will be fixes out soon for it.
I'll keep you updated of course.