Originally Posted by joshkeller77
Yup, I think this may be the fix. It is difficult to say until it can have a true cold start after 5 or 6 hours but this is the best it has been for weeks. I am running a Titan BTW not a Vogue and no Valhalla
I hadn't used gps since yesterday, and I only tried that Telus IP/port, because the HoFo post I found mentioned that the Telus one worked. I soft reset a few times before I even tried it. And I had only done 2 regedits previously that I had to undo. I only had to fix the Valhalla mode=2 and the HTC supl_gps and set that to enabledagps=1. I never bothered with any of the other regedits because they were irrelevant with agps off.
I got a fix in 4 seconds.