Originally Posted by Humpa
I have agps working again.
Put all regedits back to the way they were when you had Valhalla and Verizon agps working.
Then just change these and Soft Reset:
HKLM\Software\Valhalla Legends\GPSServer\Mode=2 (the original value)
HKLM\Software\Valhalla Legends\GPSServer\PDEAddress=5C8BC6D8
HKLM\Software\Valhalla Legends\GPSServer\PDEPort=8889
Not sure if any of the other IP's I just posted will work. I didn't try.
Yup, I think this may be the fix. It is difficult to say until it can have a true cold start after 5 or 6 hours but this is the best it has been for weeks. I am running a Titan BTW not a Vogue and no Valhalla
Humpa, I posted this at XDA too and gave you credit.