Originally Posted by Tplane37
1. Just select the "Windows Default" for your Today screen, and leave everything else unchecked. As to the Start Menu, if you tap the flag, you get an old style drop down menu (this is an add-on from FredSoft, not designed for WM6.5, but some things in it are rather nice), if you tap the Start Menu text, you get the 6.5 honeycomb.
Ok, that's interesting, neat ! But, the problem is if you get a new start menu, and browse down, You'll see a line that says "Show..." if you click that, it will flash the screen and go right back to the home page.
Originally Posted by Tplane37
2. For the stock dialer (which I have honestly yet to see), I'd have to recook. I have the Vouge dialer in because I am able to customize it. If you post a background image I would be willing to make a different dialer if you like.
If you install your rom as it is now, before installing your Vouge dialer, it would show the same screen but, with the grey/black colors, I'd say leave it there and give the option to install your new one. I didn't find a way to roll back, so I will re-flash to get it back (well, wait for your next build). I am really wondering if there was a new syle default WM 6.5 dialer and what it looked like.
Originally Posted by Tplane37
3. I haven't figured out how to show pictures from the card yet, but once everything else is smoothed out, I plan on looking into it..
Cool! this one of those little things, I played with this on all builds so far, could never get them to show off the card even tho they are setup correctly \Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures
Originally Posted by Tplane37
4. Yeah, I'll have to fix that, thanks for pointing it out. I didn't even realize that one! I'll fix that tonight.
The speed issue gets better after a few Soft Resets. Like I said, I have no idea why this is, it just..is. And my phone and my buddy's 6800 both took a different number of resets before the speed was there. I will fix the camera issue and post another link later tonight.
I will also post one without the Start Menu add-on (Like I said, it was not built for WM6.5 but I liked it and so have others). In the build with just the stock Start Menu, I will leave out the Vouge dialer. I am not sure what will happen though, because I do not recall seeing any files for a dialer in the Chinese SYS. When I post this alternative build, it will be after testing it on my phone to make sure a dialer is even there. Otherwise, I will put the dialer in that was used in 21159 (anyone know which dialer that actually was?).
Thanks for the feedback. I'll get back on these changes after getting my son to bed.
Cool ! Thanks for the update and so far, I like ! BTW Multi quoting is a PIA....