TITAN 21193 Beta 1: Special Thanks to ConFlipper for the Chinese SYS that was used, and for all the hard work thus far. Additional thanks goes to Drellidee for his assistance, couldn't have gotten this far without your help!
Okay, here's my attempt at 21193. This is very basic, no frills. This was built for the XV6800\Titan on Verizon. Carrier Cabs are also linked below to use. I forgot to add the dialer in when I cooked it, so I attached the one that is supposed to be in this build. Feedback is welcome.
Special notes:
Flash the RUU, and let the phone boot to the main splash screen and wait for the beep. Then Hard Reset. And wait............it take a long time to boot on the first boot. If it hasn't loaded after a few minutes, Soft Reset. It should load at this point. You will see the Start Menu button come up, click the start menu and once it goes to the start menu, just click the X and everything is good to go. I am not sure why this is, but it is. After all that is done and out of the way, everything works quite well and rather quick. Soft Resets load as normal and so on. It's just the initial boot that takes a long time, but be patient and you should get to enjoy 21193 on your Titan. Be sure you have Radio: 3.42.50.
And remember, as always, you flash at your own risk, and I am not responsible for anything you do to your device. Enjoy!
<----Click me for Titan_21193_Beta_1_USO_Edition_RUU.
<----Click me for the Dialer that rounds out the package (I forgot it in the kitchen)
<----Click me for DCD's Carrier Cabs