Originally Posted by denasqu
Maybe there is a better term than "open source" but what I was referring to was the modification made by ROM chefs, not the copyrighted HTC and MS software. Sorry I didn't make that clearer.
Anyhow, my point was that the donation system has tended to create competition for donations among some of the hard working and talented chefs which led to hard feelings, banning, etc. Whosdaman's point is well made that it would be best for all of us if that competition were dropped and everybody just shared their "trade secrets". Perhaps we should be offering donations for those secrets rather than the ROM's?
Understood, and agree fully .. the "donation" tab has basically made the forums that have chefs/modders much like a Marrakesh marketplace, anything for a price when in reality the "donation" is for time spent, time spent that they would be doing anyway so its a bonus system for the ones asking from those that donate, I really dont have much of an issue with the donate, but I do have issues with locking and holding back until "donations" are made to a limit expected and then you still cant open and use the ROM
I wasnt meaning it to sound argumentative with your reference to open source, its just a peeve of mine how easily its bandied about when there are many regulations over the ideal of open source and copy left items is all
I for one like the look and feel of TF2D and would LOVE to see OpenGL and TF3D actually implemented on these devices although Iolite/footprints is basically useless for me and seems to cause more issues in stable ROMs than its been worth thus far
Just my 2 cents, YMMV
Detroit Doug