Hey all, I'm new to Cooking.
I keep getting an error building default.hv and user.hv
I know that's an error in an rgu file, but I don't know how to fix it.
So could someone offer some help and show me what's wrong with it?
End of Log file:
importing registry file ".\Registry\d2fc34aa-41ae-48fe-a34b-90d059c3aea9.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\d3ae4d80-96d5-454f-beb3-20f881e46485.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\d3eb2312-63bc-4110-9914-f1472e61410e.rgu"...
importing registry file ".\Registry\ddff935c-ff23-4ffb-98f6-8648601e94c9.rgu"...
wmain: (RGUComp) !ERROR failed building DEFAULT hives
So I'm guessing it's ddff935c, right?
Thanks in advance,