Youtube App Help Needed
I have a VZW Touch Pro and I'm trying to use HTC Youtube App.
I've just been searching around the forums and tried about 4 or 5 difference versions that are around.
I can't get any of them to play the video in full screen.
I'm almost sure the Youtube App I had used to work in full screen prior to me mucking around with some things in that huge tcpmp thread.
Right now, I've got the installed and that seems to work best as far as the screen formatting while selecting videos.
Here's what happens. I start a video, a video player opens and the video appears with blank spaces to the top, bottom, right and left.
First, are the videos supposed to play in full screen? If so, what else could be wrong? Could the Youtube app be pulling up the wrong player? I thought I had to have that HTC Streaming Media player installed, but the Youtube app still pulls up the same player where or not I have the Streaming Media cab installed.
Any other ideas? I'd really like to get this working again.
By the way, that brand new Youtube player directly from google does play videos in full screen (using a different player), but I like the HTC Youtube app better.
Any help is appreciated.