Originally Posted by mikey1234
i feel the same way... i'm just hoping that the 130 character will treat my mightyrom 4.14 fine. i'm okay with 30 less characters, means sometimes i will be sending two texts instead of one. no biggie until a fix is found/addressed.... seems like a lot of people are having no issue with this anyway, but i def agree, it is giving me on and off issues
<characteristic type="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\SMS\TextShared" translation="filesystem">
<parm name="IS637MaxAsciiCharacters" datatype="integer" value="130"/>
Edit that value in ur registry.
Even IF it doesn't work, you won't be sending 2 messages. Your carrier splits your messages at 160 characters anyways. So even if you type 150 characters, it will still send in ONE message.