Originally Posted by lalaa
I thought i had unlocked my phone. I did the hard spl i flashed using the ruu. I dont know what im missing. I got the mighty mike theme(hello kitty) and i thought that was the rom i am such a newbie when it comes to this. Can someone help. I thought i followed all instructions.
hello kitty is just a theme you install after you intall Mighty's Rom. If you've already unlocked your phone, then download mighty's latest rom in the first post of this thread onto your computer, extract it with winrar, and connect phone to computer via activesync, then run the Custom_RUU.exe located in the mighty rom you just downloaded and extracted, and it will begin the process of flashing your phone with mighty's rom. It might also help you to read the frequently asked questions at the end of post #4 in this thread. good luck