03-20-2009, 10:49 AM
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Re: Smartphone Tracker
Originally Posted by mikel81
Hmm, mine showed the message received but would get hung up at acquiring location. Yours doesn't seem to be getting the text.
How are you sending the message, and when you send the message do you get the windows loading circle in the middle of your screen for a few seconds?
Make sure these are your settings and try sending the code by aim.
-Main view
Make sure in settings "enable tracking" is checked
Also check "sms" and "reply to sender"
-Settings View
Make sure background mode is checked
Now send an aim to your phone (if you use aim) with the sms code as the text (default is getgpspos)
You will have to accept the message by replying to the aim the first time but after that it should send the message in the background fine.