Originally Posted by silence12782
<parm name="AUTHNAME" value=" username@hotmail.com" />
<parm name="AUTHSECRET" value="password" />
JUst edit those and you should be all set put your info I did the rest for you..
Then rename it to .xml and insert it in your SDConfig.txt
Thanks a lot... I tried but had to make couple of changes as the file did not work as it is...
What I changed was
POP server: pop3.live.com
SMTP server: smtp.live.com
I am attaching the file that is working - just change emial addy / pwd etc.
after having gone through the pains I found that Hotmail works the best when I use the inbuilt Outlook settings in PocketOutlook, i.e, creatuing account manually.
I believe it's because Hotmal works better with DeltaSyn than POP3...
But it was good to know I can use SDAutoConfig, even though I might not use it that much...
Thanks again.