Originally Posted by k000
Wow - what a bold user name !
It's not really. It's actually a noble term if used PROPERLY. The literal and common translation of jihad is "to struggle against forces of evil, no matter how adverse the situation"
The mainstream media and ignorant muslims have made it a taboo word when it is truly something we ALL should do and be (jihadi being one who struggles against evil)
It doesn't mean "HOLY WAR" like the media would want us believe though it could mean war if that war is against what islamic scholars have determined to be a threat to the world, society, a country or even a village. However, in Islam we are taught that the most imprtant jihad is that against our own desires and evils and that the phisical jihad of war is a far lesser struggle. Keep in mind that in Islam, aggression is ABSOLUTELY forbidden. The only way I understand Islam is to hold the exact understanding of the righteous muslims who established Islam. Unlike many, my understanding does not come from my emotions or from my neigborhood sheik (religous leader) UNLESS my emotions and that sheik are proving it from the authentic texts. It's unfortunate that so many use and twist Islam to suit their persoanl emotions, desires and unfounded understanding. SO, it's not a bold name. It is one a humble, peaceful, righteous person should HOPE to achieve.
To me and anyone who lives Islamically according the authentic sources of the religion, the BEST jihadi is one who does not murder, slander, lie, commit adultery of fornication, abandon their family, display signs of arrogance or supremacy and he/she is IS one who struggles to do good through charity, kindness, patience, understanding, honesty, hard work, dedication to religion, peaceful solutions, etc.
Merdinh, sorry to go OT. I just can't help but educate and help people understand that Islam and it's terms are not what they think they are.