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Old 03-19-2009, 04:20 AM
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Almost Every Cab I have for my Pro, find more than 50 useful things inside..

ive noticed ive aquired quite a few cabs in my processes around and just wanted to share.. so heres my list of everything i have, i may not use it all but with a 8gb card, i like snaggin stuff up, just incase someone needs em some day, not like ill run out if memory collecting cabs..

im not a devloper in any way, all things things came from places like freewarepocketpc(which some of things originate from here and xda), XDA, and PPCGEEKS.. Im not trying to steal away from anyones hard and dificult work..i dont wanna claim any of this as my own, cuz its not.. i just see alot of repeat questions and thought maybe this would help others out.. it may be a bit hard to read, as im just gonna go in alphabeltical order with them.. this would be a ton of cabs to upload and would take an insane amount of time.. so if this anything off the list you want,please pm me, and drop a thanks back here..

**i run stock sprint TP Rom, almost all of these ive used at one time, and they worked on my TP, i can try to help if u have any problems, but im no Newton yet on this stuff yet lol..

edit: i ended up linking everything, so youll kinda be directed to the download instead, u wont really need to ask me for it, but u can if u want.. i tried to make every link goto a screen shot and info page so not to start a download u only have a little info on..

again im soooo sorry if i said someone else did your hard work.. really i am.. just a newb here, trying to something good.. this took so much longer than i thought it would to but together LOL.. hope its informative

ElecontLauncher-4 day trial(6.95full),with small nag ntoifications-this is a today plugin in that adds program shortcuts..somewhat to UL without alot of ULs featues.

Advanced Config 3.3-Extensible tweak list (more than 200 tweaks)
  • Multi-devices support
  • Multi-languages support
  • Customize key mapping
  • Customize file associations
  • Custumize ClearType settings
  • Customize connection settings
  • Customize HTC Comm Manager
  • Customize HTC TouchFLO 3D
  • Import/export settings using provisioning XML
  • and more here:
AEBPlus -

This utility extends functionality of hardware keys on Windows Mobile devices. It allows you to:
  • intercept almost any standard button: application buttons, WM5 SoftKeys, Volume slider, Action and even Red/Green phone buttons
  • distinguish up to 4 different keypress events on each button grabbed (single, double, triple and "long" keypresses).
  • remap each of the keypress events to "virtual" application button or assign them directly to one of the wide set of built-in actions.
  • and more here:
44 brain training games
memory, calculation and analytical trainings
brand new attention training modules

BT Spammer -i love this, i goto the mall with my buddys and have a few pretty funny messages we send out..then we see if we can pick out who reacts and see if we can tell who recieved the message..its hilarious, well ok, to a bunch of stoners it is lol Summary: The title of this software is self-explanatory I guess. BT Spammer is a tool for one time or periodical "spamming" all nearby Bluetooth devices (in visible mode). BT Spammer allows users to set up and define own Message (plain text), Business card (vcard), and Picture (jpg). can read more here:

CallFireWall v 1.4 Summary: CallFirewall basically rejects unwanted calls. Features & Options: a. Accecpt all calls - pretty self explainatory b. Accept call from My Contacts only - accepts calls from contacts only, others are rejected c. Reject all calls - pretty self explainatory d. White List - accepts calls.. here:

Capsure 1.11 - one of the many screenshot apps here:

Darkness231 Opera default remover(beta) - removes settings for Opera as default.. this was found in so many places when i just googled it.. upon quick glance i couldnt find what i felt was his originating post, so i didnt wanna do Darkness wrong since his names in his cab, by posting a link other than his.. Thanks so much for cabbing that out!!!!

Dashwire - one of the many backup options we have for our phones.. this one is highly interactive with your pc..

DCP Enable Roam - get back that roam only option removed in the 6.1+ and up stock Roms.. im almost certain THIS IS SPRINT ONLY.. im sorry i couldnt find a decent link for this... but certainly works.. THANKS for this one as well..

DiaHack - this is the one that gives u the some options for turning sent notification off(if u dont wanna reg edit), wake up on sms, all the photo options(burst,sport,gps photo), and a few other features.. here:

DiyPDA InCall Recorder - this is found here i think alot of us have looked at this thread.. im run stock sprint..u MUST have black s2a found on our site(like 3 or 4 dowin this list), and it works great for me, though alot are having issues with it..

EVDO Only Menu.. pretty self explanitory.. sorry all i got were hits for news site talking about how some phones would have this option embedded.. sorry if this was someones work, im sure it sorry for not knowing..

Fexploreext205 - i know alot of people recommend Resco File Explorer and maybe its good(never ooked into it), but i love this one, and how it gives you thumbnails of your pics when you highlight them.. this will show sys files as well..

# Resizable header for easy sorting by file name, date of last modification or size
# Tree view of folders; you can now jump easily from a location to any other on your device in one step
# Show extension option for those who ask themselves the same question I do: “What type of file is this?
# Icon view that enables the display of files as icons similar to your desktop computer
# Real time image preview; now you don’t have to open several files in order to send the one you desire
# Open with Program allows you easily select an application to open the specific file you select (useful in case you don’t have the correct file associations or when you want Album app to open your images instead of Windows default picture viewer.
# File property context menu for easy renaming and attribute changing
# Open all executables with Parameters in case you need a special parameter when launching an application
# Sending shortcut to Programs for instant shortcut creation of executables placed directly in Programs folder in Start Menu.

Full s2a with New Skin.. its s2a with all black dialer theme.. i love it.. thanks Ruskiyab!! this is the one i said you needed for the diyPDA incall recorder to work

galarm: great alarm app.. skinable as well..can make it so u have to complete a maze to tsnooze your alarm.. here:

GoogleMaps.. should be newest version.. we all know what this is..

GreenVolume.. this just changes the volume tabs color to green.. i found this on here, it was a thread with multiple amounts of different colors.. im sorry i couldnt find your post Mr. You cabbed and did all the work.. im sorry.. but there are more colors then green if u seach ppc a lil better than i jst did..

gwatch - from makers of galarm.. stop watch app..

Htc Diamond trimmer - MP3 trimmer ..if u have a TP, u have this, but i had it left over from my mogul days

iContact - iPhone style,finger friendly,skinable contact manager.. here

Inboxextender - i think this was just the q9 one.. gives u the delete all and mark all as read options in you message menu options.. i found this though when i googled for a link i recommend and will be changing to this one myself right now.. this adds a notification warning on the "delete all" option.. youll def want that one..

Led_Killer_3.1 - manipulate how your phones LED displays i think nueLED is newer than this? and thanks to NO2chem for this? sorry abd with names, neebie, ya know lol..

LocateCaller091 - caller id that gives you fullscreen and city, state.. i liked this.. if u have s2a or s2u2s caller id, youll have big wars between screens fighting for control of the answer/ignore screens.. basically u have to use this and only this.. here: its post number 2.. thanks gbm85, i like this one..

LoudTalks - i didnt know i had this one till i got to it in the list.. but apparently this turns most winmo phone into push to talk walkie talkies.. interesting.. here:

Missed Call Reminder - MissedCallReminder will make your device to vibrate and or play a chosen sound at a set interval, to notify the user that there are missed calls or unread SMS messages. It will wake up the device if necessary to give the notification. here:

MmsSizeLimitHack - cab that does the reg edit for increasing size limit for mms messages.. there was so many hits for this one.. alot of people had cabbed this and posted it..

MobileDefinitionTv - this guy certainly does put some great stuff together doesnt he.. this is the begining process of most of his mutli stepped tv and video posts.. its basically the 4 basic cabs to most of his installs all cabbed together.. IMO, with this and i think the Opera default remover is needed, it basically gives u a tcpmp player and the abilty to play youtube vids right out of PIE.. mine said Stroths but my searches gave me Technology1.. so Thanks to whoever deserves it..again im not good with names on here.. sorry

MSS Coverter - MSS Converter allows to make conversions between many units. Supported units are currencies (with the ability to automatic update rates), lengths, areas, volumes, masses, speeds, temperatures, pressures, times, angles, energies and powers. here:

Nimbuzz - Nimbuzz Mobile lets you call, chat, message, and send files on the go, for free. It combines all your buddies from Skype, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM, Google Talk and more. One login, one contact list, all accounts.

ominanio - the stand alone piano app.. the link i have is for the BAND edition, but i dont think the same guy did what i have, mine came from the guy the did the quitar app as well and if their the same i dont know why guitar isnt in the band edition.. here:

PacMan - it is what it is.. here: the link says TMZ found, so thanks, TMZ..

Palringo - instant messager app for phones.. ppc has a group on there.. here:

PdaStatus - PDAStatus is small plugin for Windows Mobile 'today' screen. It contains customizable set of status icons like battery, memory, storage etc.
this started out on my mogul.. switched to TP and it was tiny, then they released the HD icon pack which made the size better on the pro.. here: and it has its own site as well

Pocket Scrobbler - Last.FM(internet radio) app for winmo here:

PIMBackup: another, and mostly recommended it seems backup app.. here:

psshutxp - this is the app alot of you would want to sleep your screen while using WMP.. it also powers down, soft and hard resets.. lots of skins on the link too.. here:

Qik - IMO, i call quick a one way webcam for the TP.. it streams live from your phone.

QuickMenu - QuickMenu is a powerfull today menu replacement with alot of options like menu extensions, bluetooth control, task manager, battery indicator ... here:

Pocket Rar - unzips rar files here:

S2U2, S2P, and S2V - iPhone type device lock(s2u2), media player(s2v) and picture viewer here: i think the other thread got shut down but i have all those sweet TP Ed. black clock files too..

SecondToday - add a second today screen here:

SK Manager - shortcut manager, change add icons from .dll, great app here: this is a trial..please dont ask for my key.. u cant have it..

Skyfire - would browser with flash support be an accurate description?

Skype - VoIP service.. free skype to skype.. i know this is hit or miss for alot of people.. the version i have, when i found was advertised as skype 2.5gold..found it here from some some in an old post about skype.. its works great on mine, speaker or headset..

Someguysmms - the handsdown best pic mail app available IMO.. if u ask me sprint jocked his idea and he should look into it and seek compensation.. here:

SmartPhoneTracker - personal tracking and anti theft app.. here:

SMS sent notification off.. it is what it is.. just the cab to do the reg edit for you.. also availabe in diahack i believe

SPB Screen Capture - one of the many screenshot apps for your cell. here:

Tethering Cab - does the ics reg hack for you.. soooooooooo many links.. if u dont wanna search just pm me for it i guess.. sprint only right??

TFDetacher - this thing rocks.. i use the old today screen, with second today as weather panel, and launch tf3d from second today.. so i can launch tf3d or secndtoday from home softkeys.. i like it..

TorchButton - flashlight app - umm sketchy links, but i promise it works great and theres a couple of different options..

Touch Pro Super Arcade(FYI - big file, like 15mb) - tons of games.. here:

UI Tweaker - Summary: UI Tweaker is a collection of 4 utilities used to customise the outlook and color scheme of the Pocket PC. here:

WeatherPanel - weather plugin...freaking awesome if u follow this one: but heres the home site:

Wmwifirouter v.91 freeware and wmwifirouter v125(shareware) IMO the best and simpliest tethering app i found.. well worth my 30dollars!!! here:

hope i helped i had every intention of posting cabs for easier DL'ing but ths took so long.. sorry, i know i was kinda lazy here..just wanted to help, even if its only one person..
Attached Files
File Type: zip DCP Enable (748 Bytes, 88 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab EVDO Only (646 Bytes, 131 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab fexploreext205.CAB (42.8 KB, 96 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip (904 Bytes, 234 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab SMS Sent Notification (1.1 KB, 186 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by boredandtattooed; 08-03-2009 at 11:04 PM. Reason: added cabs for desciptions without links.. 2 more down below also
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