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Old 03-19-2009, 12:21 AM
elephant007's Avatar
domo arigato mr roboto
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Arrow Re: Post Your SDconfig.txt, provisioning.xml, etc. Files Here!

Here's my **ALL NEW** SDConfig.txt
Current ROM: MightROM 4.14
Below is my director structure on the Storage Card

Storage Card
Storage Card\Config
Storage Card\Config\Cabs
Storage Card\Config\Files
Storage Card\Config\Images
Storage Card\Config\Ringtones
Storage Card\Config\Shortcuts
Storage Card\Config\XML

I have a backup of PIM.VOL which stores all of the contacts you have saved in your Favorites People Tab, I'll give instructions on how to restore this successfully

So the Music Tab will not pick up my MP3 ringers on my storage card I simply removed the MP3 extension on my storage card. During the SDConfig CPY command, I have it putting the MP3 extension back on the file as follows
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Ringtones\ISeeYou
CPY2:\My Documents\My Ringtones\ISeeYou.mp3

I also renamed many of the CAB files listed here just so it looks cleaner and easier to read.

SHOW:\Storage Card\Config\Images\MyImage.bmp
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CAB: \Storage Card\Config\Cabs\
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Images\HTCTP01.jpg
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Images\4e670504_manila
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Ringtones\Fergie-Clumsy
CPY2:\My Documents\My Ringtones\Fergie-Clumsy.mp3
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Ringtones\HeathLedger-WhySoSerious
CPY2:\My Documents\My Ringtones\HeathLedger-WhySoSerious.mp3
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Ringtones\ISeeU
CPY2:\My Documents\My Ringtones\ISeeU.mp3
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Ringtones\Nickelback-Rockstar
CPY2:\My Documents\My Ringtones\Nickelback-Rockstar.mp3
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Ringtones\waitingtone
CPY2:\My Documents\My Ringtones\waitingtone.wav
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Ringtones\YouHaveAMessage
CPY2:\My Documents\My Ringtones\YouHaveAMessage.mp3
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Shortcuts\eT9MyWords.lnk
CPY2:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\eT9MyWords.lnk
CPY1:\Storage Card\Config\Shortcuts\SprintTV.lnk
CPY2:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\SprintTV.lnk
XML: \Storage Card\Config\XML\Exchange.xml
XML: \Storage Card\Config\XML\Gmail.xml
XML: \Storage Card\Config\XML\Tweaks.xml
RST: Reset
XMLs as follows (With Explanations)

TWEAK.XML (the manila I copy of adds AM/PM to MightyROM FlipClock, it's my own tweak!)
<!-- *** Start Personalized Tweaks *** -->
  <!-- *** Start Setting Ringtones for Email and Text Messages *** -->
   <characteristic type="Registry">
      <characteristic type="HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877D65B-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="Wave" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Alert-Glass1.wma"/>
         <parm name="Options" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="AvailableOptions" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
         <parm name="Duration" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
      <characteristic type="HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877D65A-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="Wave" datatype="string" value="\Windows\Alert-Glass2.wma"/>
         <parm name="Options" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="AvailableOptions" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
         <parm name="Duration" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
  <!-- *** End Setting Ringtones for Email and Text Messages *** -->

  <!-- *** Start Configuring Wallpaper for All Tabs, Weather Locations *** -->
      <characteristic type="HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="LastLaunch" datatype="binary" value="\"/>
         <parm name="HomeBackgroundPath" datatype="string" value="\Windows\HTCTP01.jpg"/>
         <parm name="Weather_Focus" datatype="string" value="United States"/>
         <parm name="LaunchCounter" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
         <parm name="ActiveSyncConfigured" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="PushMailOn" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="Weather.Fahrenheit" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="Weather.CityList" datatype="string" value="NAM|US|TX|ABILENE,NAM|US|TX|DYESS AFB,NAM|US|OK|OKLAHOMA CITY"/>
         <parm name="EnableLandscape" datatype="string" value="true"/>
         <parm name="Landscape.WebSearchURL" datatype="string" value=""/>
         <parm name="EnableCrashDumps" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
         <parm name="Weather.PostFirstRun" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="ShowLogo" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="Locale" datatype="string" value="en-us"/>
         <parm name="Weather.CurrentCity" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="Data.DownloadWhenRoaming" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="Data.AutoDownloadOff" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
  <!-- *** End Configuring Wallpaper for All Tabs, Weather Locations *** -->

    <!-- *** Start Configuring Google Search Plugin to Auto Accept License and Soft Button on Home Tab *** -->
      <characteristic type="HKLM\Software\Google\SearchPlugin" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="licence_accepted" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
         <parm name="application_order" datatype="string" value="gmail,gmm,news,picasa,calendar,reader,goog411,sms,orkut,docs,blogger"/>
      <characteristic type="HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="HomeRSKPath" datatype="string" value="\Program Files\Google Search\googlemobile.exe"/>
         <parm name="HomeRSKText" datatype="string" value="Google Tools"/>
  <!-- *** End Configuring Google Search Plugin to Auto Accept License and Soft Button on Home Tab *** -->

   <!-- *** Start Setting Scree Text Size to Smallest *** -->
      <characteristic type="HKLM\ControlPanel\Stylus\192DPI" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="CurFont" datatype="integer" value="600"/>
  <!-- *** End Setting Scree Text Size to Smallest *** -->

  <!-- *** Start Configurating Address Book to Local Area Code and Show Contact Names Only *** -->
      <characteristic type="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\AddrBook" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="Flags" datatype="integer" value="16801792"/>
         <parm name="Default_Area" datatype="string" value="325"/>
         <parm name="Current" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
         <parm name="Current_View" datatype="integer" value="25301"/>
         <parm name="CurrentDataSource" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
  <!-- *** End Configurating Address Book to Local Area Code and Show Contact Names Only *** -->

  <!-- *** Start Change Program/Settings Icons to 4 Rows *** -->
      <characteristic type="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\IconCo nfig" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="HorizontalIconSpacing" datatype="integer" value="105"/>
         <parm name="IconTitleFontSize" datatype="integer" value="6"/>
         <parm name="VerticalIconSpacing" datatype="integer" value="115"/>
      <characteristic type="HKLM\System\GWE" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="cxVScr" datatype="integer" value="18"/>
         <parm name="cyVScr" datatype="integer" value="18"/>
  <!-- *** End Change Program/Settings Icons to 4 Rows *** -->

<!-- *** End Personalized Tweaks *** -->
<!-- *** Start Configuring Gmail IMAP *** -->
  <characteristic type="EMAIL2">
   <characteristic type="{2c431f22-e28f-4ac7-a876-3fb1b08b728c}">
	<parm name="SERVICENAME" value="Gmail" />
	<parm name="SERVICETYPE" value="IMAP4" />
	<parm name="INSERVER" value="" />
	<parm name="OUTSERVER" value="" />
	<parm name="NAME" value="Your Name" /> 
	<parm name="REPLYADDR" value="" />
	<parm name="AUTHNAME" value="" />
	<parm name="AUTHSECRET" value="Password" />
	<parm name="DOMAIN" value="" />
	<parm name="AUTHREQUIRED" value="1" />
	<parm name="LINGER" value="60" />
	<parm name="RETRIEVE" value="-1" />
	<parm name="KEEPMAX" value="512" />
	<parm name="DWNDAY" value="3" />
        <parm name="SMTPALTENABLED" value="0" />
     	<parm name="SMTPALTAUTHNAME" value="" />
     	<parm name="SMTPALTPASSWORD" value="" />
        <parm name="SMTPALTDOMAIN" value="" />
   <characteristic type="TAGPROPS">
	<parm name="8128000B" value="1"/>
	<parm name="812C000B" value="1"/>          
<!-- *** End Configuring Gmail IMAP *** -->
EXCHANGE.XML (for exchange server / active sync ota)
<!-- *** Start Personalized Exchange/ActiveSync Settings *** -->
  <!-- *** Start Exchange Settings *** -->
   <characteristic type="Sync">
     <characteristic type="Connection">
	<parm name="Server" value="Online Web Access Address"/>
	<parm name="AllowSSLOption" value="0"/>
	<parm name="User" value=""/>
	<parm name="Domain" value=""/>
	<parm name="Password" value="Password"/>
	<parm name="SavePassword" value="1"/>
<!-- *** End Exchange Settings *** -->

  <!-- *** Start Configure Peak Times, M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM *** -->
     <characteristic type="Settings">
	<parm name="PeakStartTime" value="0800"/>
	<parm name="PeakEndTime" value="1700"/>
	<parm name="PeakFrequency" value="-1"/>
	<parm name="BodyTruncation" value="-1"/>
     <characteristic type="PeakDays">
        <parm name="Sun" value="0"/>
        <parm name="Mon" value="1"/>
        <parm name="Tue" value="1"/>
        <parm name="Wed" value="1"/>
        <parm name="Thr" value="1"/>
        <parm name="Fri" value="1"/>
        <parm name="Sat" value="0"/>
  <!-- *** End Configure Peak Times *** -->

<!-- *** Start Configure Truncation / Attachments *** -->
		<characteristic type="Mail">
			<parm name="Enabled" value="1"/>
			<parm name="MailBodyTruncation" value="0"/>
			<parm name="MailFileAttachments" value="-1"/>
		<characteristic type="Calendar">
			<parm name="Enabled" value="1"/>
		<characteristic type="Contacts">
			<parm name="Enabled" value="1"/>
     <characteristic type="Tasks">
       <parm name="Enabled" value="1"/>
<!-- *** End Configure Truncation / Attachments *** -->

 <!-- *** Start Configure No Warn On Deleting Email *** -->
   <characteristic type="Registry">
      <characteristic type="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings" translation="filesystem">
         <parm name="WarnOnDeleteSoftkey" datatype="integer" value="0"/>
 <!-- *** End Configure No Warn On Deleting Email *** -->

<!-- *** End Personalized Exchange/ActiveSync Settings *** -->
When your Touch Pro boots for the final time, ActiveSync then will connect and asked you to continue, you must select YES in order for Sync to occur. Wait for Sync to occur then do a soft reset.

After reboot, disable TOUCHFLO and copy over PIM.VOL using Total Commander to the ROOT of the device \ make sure to overwrite the exisiting file, reboot device, when it comes back up, re-enable TOUCHFLO 3D and check your People Tab.... TA DA
You must do the above steps to be successful or else (in my experience) TouchFlo whacks out.

Below I attached what I use as my image while my SDConfig is running and I also included the wallpaper that I use for all my tabs

I hope this is helpful!

EDIT: Apparently I need a little more tweaking on my SDConfig because not all of my registry was imported. Failed was the "do not warn on deleting emails"
Attached Images
File Type: jpg HTCTP01.jpg (51.9 KB, 51 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg MyImage.jpg (5.2 KB, 50 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by elephant007; 03-19-2009 at 12:53 AM.
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